Transform Your Connection with Your Lord
Discover how to pray with meaning, focus and consistency, once and for all, so your Salat becomes a truly life-changing experience.
Discover how to pray with meaning, focus and consistency, once and for all, so your Salat becomes a truly life-changing experience.

Join over 40,000 people on this journey

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Concentrating and feeling a real connection with Allah every time you pray is hard.

He Himself acknowledges this reality in the Qur'an (2:45):

وَاسْتَعِينُواْ بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلاَةِ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ

"Seek help with patience and prayer - though this is definitely hard..."

  • There's so much to do - kids, work and the daily struggles of life, so sometimes you miss prayers. Finding the time and space to pray consistently (especially Fajr) is a challenge.
  • You can't focus in Salat - your mind wanders, and you get distracted with things you need to do outside the prayer. You can't control your thoughts and always seem to fall short.
  • You have to rush prayers even though you try not to, because of your other commitments. It makes you feel bad, guilty and ashamed.
  • You don't understand what you're saying in Salat. You don't feel like you're really connecting deeply with Allah, or getting closer to Him. You're going through the motions without any emotions.
  • Prayer has become more of a daily chore and a burden - you feel a sense of laziness when it comes to doing wudhu (ablution) and praying. You often delay Salat to the last minute.

Does any of this sound familiar?


Concentrating and feeling a real connection with Allah every time you pray is hard.

He Himself acknowledges this reality in the Qur'an (2:45):

وَاسْتَعِينُواْ بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلاَةِ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ

"Seek help with patience and prayer - though this is definitely hard..."

  • There's so much to do - kids, work and the daily struggles of life, so sometimes you miss prayers. Finding the time and space to pray consistently (especially Fajr) is a challenge.
  • You can't focus in Salat - your mind wanders, and you get distracted with things you need to do outside the prayer. You can't control your thoughts and always seem to fall short.
  • You have to rush prayers even though you try not to, because of your other commitments. It makes you feel bad, guilty and ashamed.
  • You don't understand what you're saying in Salat. You don't feel like you're really connecting deeply with Allah, or getting closer to Him. You're doing the motions without any emotions.
  • Prayer has become more of a daily chore and a burden - you feel a sense of laziness when it comes to doing wudhu (ablution) and praying. You often delay Salat to the last minute.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If so, no wonder your prayer has become...
A robotic ritual with a lot of external movement but with little happening on the inside
A mindless ‘tick-box’ exercise full of distractions that you simply cross off your to-do list
A burden and chore that lacks meaning, where you don't know what you're saying or why you're saying it
If so, no wonder your prayer has become...
A robotic ritual with a lot of external movement but with little happening on the inside
A mindless ‘tick-box’ exercise full of distractions that you simply cross off your to-do list
A burden and chore that lacks meaning, where you don't know what you're saying or why you're saying it

If you're struggling, don't despair.
I know how you feel.

Sadly, far too many believers simply can’t connect with Allah through their Salat because they’ve never really been taught how.

Instead of your Salat being a meaningful, deep and reflective experience where you truly feel Allah's presence, Salat ends up being a dry and unfulfilling action.

You're unable to focus, you feel distracted and the deep emotion and tranquility you’ve always wanted to experience seems out of reach.

But connecting with Allah through your Salat shouldn’t be so hard!

What you need is a powerful, practical and proven process to transform the quality and consistency of your Salat, once and for all... so you can:


Mindlessly and robotically praying without meaning and emotion


Understanding what you say in Salat and why... so you can build a meaningful connection with your Lord, every day


Getting distracted easily and thinking about other things


Praying with focus and experiencing a newfound sense of peace and contentment... in and outside your prayers


Delaying your prayers to the last minute or missing them altogether


Prioritising prayer as the most important action of your life (and afterlife) by praying on time and consistently, every day

What you need is a powerful, practical and proven process to transform the quality and consistency of your Salat, once and for all... so you can:


Mindlessly and robotically praying without meaning and emotion

Understanding what you say in Salat and why...
so you can build a meaningful connection with your Lord, every day



Getting distracted easily and thinking about other things

Praying with focus
and experiencing a newfound sense of peace and contentment... in and outside your prayers



Delaying your prayers to the last minute or missing them altogether

Prioritising prayer as the most important action of your life (and afterlife)
 by praying on time and consistently, every day


Transform My Prayer

A life-changing online experience, the aim of which is to reframe Salat in your mind and heart and then go on a step-by-step journey explaining each action and phrase of the prayer.

The focus on significance and meaning will enable you to make Salat a genuine experience of connection with your Lord.

  • Change the way you look at your Salat so that you approach it with the right mindset

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the words, actions and positions of Salat

  • Learn tried-and-tested tips and techniques which you can use immediately

  • Build a more meaningful connection and relationship with Allah in your Salat

  • Experience the unique joy and tranquility of high quality prayers every day

  • Transform your Salat into a source of peace and blessings

  • Change the way you look at your Salat so that you approach it with the right mindset

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the words, actions and positions of Salat

  • Learn tried-and-tested tips and techniques which you can use immediately

  • Build a more meaningful connection and relationship with Allah in your Salat

  • Experience the unique joy and tranquility of high quality prayers every day

  • Transform your Salat into a source of peace and blessings

"No one can afford to miss out on Transform My Prayer, its that good. I do not believe you can come out of it without having benefitted from it. That seems like an impossibility...

Here is why I think this is probably one of the best investments you can make:

1. It will frame your understanding of salah within the wider context of your life and its purpose. Its not just your salah that you will be evaluating by the end, its what goes on outside of salah, it will make you question the sincerity of the assertions you make within salah and that introspection alone is worth it.

2. It is incredibly practical. Everything you learn, you can implement straight away and make mental and physical changes to enhance your prayer.

3. The resources on the meanings of salah are invaluable, you’ll have exactly what you need to revise, to polish up on your understanding of what is said in salah.

4. Your relationship with God is at the crux of this course, every movement in salah is a representation of your state of submission. A good litmus test for where you are at and where you want to be.

5. The synergy created by combining what you say, how you say it, how you think about it, and how you should feel as a result is very transformative. Even just the idea of pausing and taking it slowly has an impact. All this is explained wonderfully well.

6. Your attitude towards salah will never be the same again. You’ll be in a perpetual pursuit to improve it. And that journey is beautiful.

7. It is excellent as a resource for teaching your children about salah."

– Juwayriyah Shabir
Participant, Transform My Prayer

"No one can afford to miss out on Transform My Prayer, its that good. I do not believe you can come out of it without having benefitted from it. That seems like an impossibility...

Here is why I think this is probably one of the best investments you can make:

1. It will frame your understanding of salah within the wider context of your life and its purpose. Its not just your salah that you will be evaluating by the end, its what goes on outside of salah, it will make you question the sincerity of the assertions you make within salah and that introspection alone is worth it.

2. It is incredibly practical. Everything you learn, you can implement straight away and make mental and physical changes to enhance your prayer.

3. The resources on the meanings of salah are invaluable, you’ll have exactly what you need to revise, to polish up on your understanding of what is said in salah.

4. Your relationship with God is at the crux of this course, every movement in salah is a representation of your state of submission. A good litmus test for where you are at and where you want to be.

5. The synergy created by combining what you say, how you say it, how you think about it, and how you should feel as a result is very transformative. Even just the idea of pausing and taking it slowly has an impact. All this is explained wonderfully well.

6. Your attitude towards salah will never be the same again. You’ll be in a perpetual pursuit to improve it. And that journey is beautiful.

7. It is excellent as a resource for teaching your children about salah."

– Juwayriyah Shabir
Participant, Transform My Prayer


Transform My Prayer is a self-paced, step-by-step journey. To make it the most transformative experience of your life, here's everything you'll get when you join...

    Take the journey covering every key aspect of Salat from beginning to end. Commit just 5-10 minutes a day to go through the short videos in your own time. Gradual, quick and easy, even if you're busy!

    We'll have engaging and inspiring live sessions periodically. You'll get direct support and guidance from me to help you overcome any obstacles you may be facing and have all your questions answered.

    The TMP downloadable and printable Slide Pack contains all the presentation material to support your journey throughout the programme. It's yours to keep!

    Interact with me and others in our exclusive Telegram community so you can share your thoughts, explore ideas and discuss solutions as you progress in your Salat journey.

    One enrolment covers you and everyone living with you under the same roof. Many family members have benefited from taking the programme together so that they can learn and support each other on their prayer transformation journeys. Previous participants have ranged from 10 years old all the way up to 80+!

    You and your household get unlimited, lifetime access to:
    - The Transfrom My Prayer video course, including future updates and additions, so you can go back and review any time.
    - Recording clips of the live group sessions so you can watch them on your own time if you're unable to make it live, and access them at any point in the future.
    - The private TMP community so you can stay connected and continue to engage with myself and your fellow TMPeers, and keep making progress on your journey.
The Transform My Prayer Journey

A step-by-step journey to transform your connection
with Allah, once and for all...

Part 1:
Setting the Scene
  • Step 1: Our situation
  • Step 2: Our ultimate objective
  • Step 3: Developing your most important relationship
  • Step 4: Putting Salat into perspective
Part 2:
Preparation and Beginning
  • Step 5: Preparing for prayer (1) - Initial mindset and Wudhu
  • Step 6: Preparing for prayer (2) - Just before you begin
  • Step 7: Standing position and the Takbir
  • Step 8: The opening invocation 
Part 3:
Standing and Recitation
  • Step 9: Taking refuge and beginning in God's name
  • Step 10: The Opening (1)
  • Step 11: The Opening (2)
  • Step 12: The Opening (3) and additional recitation
Part 4:
Bowing, Praise and Prostration
  • Step 13: Bowing
  • Step 14: Standing up and praising
  • Step 15: Prostrating
  • Step 16: The consequences of rushing
Part 5:
Sitting and Ending
  • Step 17: Sitting and the Tashahhud (1)
  • Step 18: The Tashahhud (2) and Salawat
  • Step 19: Supplication and Ending
  • Step 20: Summary and Conclusion

Everything You're Getting:

Click the button to join now

  • Transform My Prayer On-Demand Bitesize Video Course covering every key aspect of Salat from beginning to end
  • Live Group Sessions so you get extra support and guidance on your journey
  • Downloadable PDF Slide Pack full of tips, references, translations and transliterations
  • Private TMP Community so you can share thoughts, explore ideas and discuss solutions
  • Household Access so you can learn together as a family and support each other
  • Lifetime Access to the TMP video course, the live group session recording clips and the private community
Does Transform My Prayer really work?

The reception to Transform My Prayer has been overwhelmingly positive. I still get taken aback by how impactful such a simple process has been for Muslim adults who have been praying for many, many years.

Below you can read and hear directly from participants about the transformation they’ve been able to achieve by going through Transform My Prayer...


I'm Iqbal

I'm an educator, speaker and writer... former investment banker and non-profit leader. I deliver transformational educational experiences to help people lead truly God-centred lives by achieving connection through prayer, clarity through revelation, and the courage to fulfil one's leadership potential.

In 2019, I developed and started teaching Transform My Prayer to help people achieve more consistency, focus and tranquillity in their five daily prayers. Over 30,000 people from around the world have joined the programme.

I'm the former Chief Executive of National Zakat Foundation. In 2019, I was awarded an MBE for services to Tackling Poverty and Community Development. I have an MA in Economics and Management from Cambridge University and an MSc in Voluntary Sector Management from Cass Business School.

I have given hundreds of talks and Friday sermons on a variety of subjects relating to Islam. I have memorised the Qur'an and have an official license for the accurate recitation of the Qur'an with an unbroken chain of teachers back to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Is Transform My Prayer for you?

It's for you if...

You're not getting as much out of your prayers as you feel you should
You're looking for tranquility, harmony and stability in a world that always seems to offer the opposite
You struggle to pray on time and want to achieve once and for all the consistency that is required
You go through the motions of Salat but want to feel more emotions
You want to achieve a positive transformation in the most important action of your life...
You want a deeper understanding of what you say and do in Salat and why
Is Transform My Prayer for you?

It's for you if...

You're not getting as much out of your prayers as you feel you should
You're looking for tranquility, harmony and stability in a world that always seems to offer the opposite
You struggle to pray on time and want to achieve once and for all the consistency that is required
You go through the motions of Salat but want to feel more emotions
You want a deeper understanding of what you say and do in Salat and why
You want to achieve a positive transformation in the most important action of your life...